The Flowers of St. Francis

Francesco, giullare di Dio
Directed by Roberto Rossellini
Produced by Angelo Rizzoli
Written by Roberto Rossellini
Federico Fellini
Music by Renzo Rossellini
Enrico Buondonno
Cinematography Otello Martelli
Editing by Jolanda Benvenuti
Release date(s) 14 December 1950
Running time 89 minutes
Country Italy
Language Italian

The Flowers of St. Francis (in Italian, Francesco, giullare di Dio, or "Francis, God's Jester") is a 1950 film directed by Roberto Rossellini and co-written by Federico Fellini. The film is based on two books, 14th century book I Fioretti Di San Francesco Little Flowers of St. Francis, and La Vita di Frate Ginepro (The Life of Brother Juniper) which relate the life and work of St. Francis and the early Franciscans. I Fioretti is composed of 78 small chapters. The novel as a whole is less biographical and is instead more focused on relating extravagant tales of the life of Saint Francis and his followers. The movie follows the same premise, though rather than relating all 78 chapters, the movie focuses instead on nine of the 78 chapters. Each chapter is composed in the style of a parable, and, like parables, contains a moral theme. Every new scene transitions with a chapter marker, a device that directly relates the film to the novel. When the movie initially debuted in America, where the novel is much less known, on October 6, 1952, the chapter markers were removed.[1]

Included in the acting cast is Gianfranco Bellini as the narrator, who has voice-dubbed several American films for the Italian cinema.[2] Monks from the Nocere Inferiore Monastery played the roles of Saint Francis and the friars.[3] Playing the role of Saint Francis is a brother who is not credited, Brother Nazario Gerardi.[4] One of the more famous actors in the film is Aldo Fabrizi. Fabrizi had worked with Rossellini before, notably in the neorealistic work, Roma, Città Aperta. Rome, Open City.[5] The film garnered international acclaim for Fabrizi.[6] He entered the movie scene in 1942, and is noted for both writing and directing his own vehicles. In this film, Fabrizi plays the role of Nicolaio, the tyrant of Viterbo.[7]

Rossellini had a strong interest in Christian values in the contemporary world.[8] Though he was not a practicing Catholic, Rossellini loved the Church's ethical teaching, and was enchanted by religious sentiment—things which were neglected in the materialistic world.[9] This interest helped to inspire the making of the film.[10] He employed two priests to work on the film, Félix A. Morlion O.P., and Antonio Lisandri O.F.M.[11] Though the priests contributed little to the script, their presence within the movie gave a feel of respectability in regards to theology.[12] Morlion vigorously defended Catholic foundations within Italian neorealism, and felt that Rossellini's work, and eventually scriptwriter Fellini, best captured this foundation.[13]



The film is divided into nine chapters each covering an incident in the life of St. Francis subsequent to his vocation.

1 - How Brother Ginepro returned naked to St. Mary of the Angels, where the Brothers had finished building their hut.

The movie commences with an introduction to the Franciscan friars. This chapter serves as a precursor to the main chapters, nothing more than an introduction of the humble Franciscans as they trudge through the mud in the pouring rain to their hut. They reach the shelter, only to find it occupied by a man and a donkey. Despite the Franciscans best efforts, the old man insists the donkey remain with him in the shelter. He drives the Franciscans from their own hut, screaming that the Franciscans have stolen the shelter. Thrust into the rain without shelter, the monks rejoice in their suffering, loving their vocation even more and discerning this to be the call that they are to follow Francis.

The scene melts and introduces the first parable with a chapter marker. The chapter opens with the friars constructing a new hut. Two brothers return with a set of prayer bells, a gift from a generous donor. In the midst of their celebration, Brother Ginepro is found in the bushes without his tunic; he has given away his tunic to a man in need. Francis instructs him never again to give away his tunic without permission.

2 - How Giovanni, known as “the Simpleton”, asked to follow Francis and began imitating him in word and gesture.

This chapter begins with the friars running to meet Francis in the woods. They are leaving -- though before they go, Francis prays for his children, wishing them to spread the Gospel by their example. Brother Ginepro is ordered to stay behind and cook for the friars. While the brothers attend to their tasks, Francis utters his famous prayer, "O! Signore, fa di me uno strumento della tua Pace," in English, "Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace."

Shortly after the prayer, an old man approaches the friar, bringing with him a gift of a bull. He wishes to abandon all for the sake of joining Francis and becoming a Franciscan. Francis questions the old man about his intentions, and the old man simply states that he is willingly to forsake everything to follow Francis. The old man's family then reclaims the bull, and Saint Francis introduces the friars to their newest brother, Brother Giovanni.

3 - Of the wonderful meeting between St. Clare and St. Francis at St. Mary of the Angels.

Saint Clare has expressed an ardent desire to dine with Saint Francis. Francis accepts, and the brothers begin to search the forest for flowers so that they may honor this maiden of God. They find enough that they are able to construct a carpet of flowers. Francis and his brothers prepare a table of stone, garnish it with wildflowers. With the tools they have, they brush their hair, and trim their beards.

A few moments later, Clare arrives with three of her sisters. Together, the sisters and friars go to the Chapel where Clare first professed her vows. They go to the Chapel to pray, and then they eat. The holiness of their conversation, as the narrator explains, ignites the sky with fire.

4 - How Brother Ginepro cut off a pig’s foot to give to a sick brother.

Brother Ginepro is once again left behind while the other brother are preaching and giving food to the poor. He and Brother Giovanni are tending to Brother Amarsebello, who has made himself sick from too much fasting. Ginepro makes Amarsebello a broth. Its taste is appalling, and so Ginepro asks Amarsebello what food would bring him comfort. Amarsebello asks for a pig's foot, and eager Ginepro consents to completing the task.

Ginepro searches the forest, praying to God to bring him a pig for his sick Brother. In the midst of the forest, Ginepro stumbles upon some swine. He asks one of the pigs to give up his foot. The pig, though reluctant at first, eventually consents. Brother Ginepro removes the foot and gives it to his sick brother.

The brothers return from their excursion, only to be confronted by the owner of the pig. He demands recompense; Francis makes Ginepro apologize. The owner does not accept his apology, but instead leaves in silence. Moments later, the pig's owner returns with the pig draped over his shoulders. He gives the pig to the friars, and warns the friars never to touch his swine again.

5 - How Francis, praying one night in the woods, met the leper.

Francis is lying alone in the woods, meditating on the passion and love of God. The sound of bells captures his attention, and Francis is compelled to find the source. In the distance, Francis spots a loan traveler. Upon closer examination, he recognizes the traveler to be a leper. He devotedly follows the leper, and, despite the leper's pushing, persists in kissing and adoring the diseased man. Filled with awe, Francis collapses on the ground, praising God for the encounter with the leper.

6 - How Brother Ginepro cooked enough food for two weeks, and Francis moved by his zeal gave him permission to preach.

Tired of not being able to join the brothers when they preach, Brother Ginepro decides to cook all of the food that the Franciscans have accumulated into a broth. The broth will last for two weeks, thus granting Ginepro the freedom to preach instead of cooking supper for the brothers. Francis gives Ginepro permission to preach, on the condition that Ginepro begin each sermon with these words, "I talk and talk yet I accomplish little."

7 - How Brother Ginepro was judged on the gallows, and how his humility vanquished the ferocity of the tyrant Nicalaio.

This chapter focuses exclusively on Brother Ginepro as he travels around Italy, trying to find someone who will listen to his preaching. He stumbles upon some children, who inform him that the tyrant Nicolaio has just occupied a neighboring town. Excited by the new opportunity, Brother Ginepro rushes to the village and begins to preach. The barbarians are amused by the small friar, and so they play with him. They throw him, and use him as a jump rope for their own amusement. It is here that Ginepro has an epiphany, that one must preach not by words, but by example..

Brother Ginepro is brought before the tyrant. The barbarians search him, and discover an awl and flint. Nicolaio orders the barbarians to beat Ginepro with clubs. They bind his hands with rope and tie him to a horse. Once he is properly beaten, they bring Ginepro to the gallows for his execution. In mercy, they allow him to see a priest, who immediately recognizes him as a follower of Saint Francis. The priest pleads with Nicolaio to spare Ginepro. Nicolaio is reluctant to do this, for he was told that a man dressed as a beggar would come to kill him. The asasssin would be recognized by the very tools Ginepro possesses.

Nicoalio hosts a private audience with Ginepro in order to try to get to the truth of the matter. Several times he attempts to kill the friar, but is ultimately foiled by Ginepro's humility.

8 - How Brother Francis and Brother Leon experienced those things that are perfect happiness.

Perhaps the most famous chapter in I Fioretti, this parable explains how one can truly be happy. Saint Francis posits many scenarios that would be considered to bring happiness: restoring sight to the blind, healing the crippled, casting out demons, converting heretics, and the like. After each scenario, Francis calmly explains that this does not bring perfect happiness.

Exasperated by the scenarios, Brother Leone begs Francis finally to tell him what in truth will bring perfect happiness. Francis points to a building, and hopes that the Lord will show them the perfect happiness Francis has in mind. They knock on the door, and ask the man inside for alms. He refuses them, yet the friars persist, claiming that they wish to praise Jesus with him. The man returns their pleas with several beatings from a club. Once the man has finished, Francis turns to Brother Leone and explains that this is perfect happiness: to suffer and bear every evil deed out of love for Christ.

9 - How St. Francis left St. Mary of the Angels with his friars and traveled the world preaching peace.

Now it is time for the brothers to part, each called to go his own way to spread the message of the Gospel. The friars give away their farm to the townsfolk. They walk to a nearby town, and give to the citizens all of their food. Once the food is gone, the friars take a moment to pray together one last time.

Francis leads the friars into the woods. The friars are unsure which direction to go, so Francis instructs them to spin in circles until they fall over from dizziness. Whichever direction they face when they fall is the way which God desires them to preach. The Franciscans depart, singing a chant as they travel the world preaching the peace of Christ.

Critical response

Although somewhat poorly received at the time (a not uncommon reaction to Rossellini's work), the film is now recognized as a classic of world cinema. It has been released on DVD by The Criterion Collection and Masters of Cinema.

In 1995 the Vatican listed the film as one of the forty five greatest films ever made.

External links

  1. ^ "The Flowers of Saint Francis." IMDb. 2010 Wed. 12 Oct 2010 <>
  2. ^ "The Flowers of Saint Francis." IMDb. 2010 Wed. 12 Oct 2010 <>
  3. ^ "The Flowers of Saint Francis." IMDb. 2010 Wed. 12 Oct 2010 <>
  4. ^ "The Flowers of Saint Francis." IMDb. 2010 Wed. 12 Oct 2010 <>
  5. ^ "The Flowers of Saint Francis." IMDb. 2010 Wed. 12 Oct 2010 <>
  6. ^ "The Flowers of Saint Francis." IMDb. 2010 Wed. 12 Oct 2010 <>
  7. ^ "The Flowers of Saint Francis." IMDb. 2010 Wed. 12 Oct 2010 <>
  8. ^ Bondanella, Peter. The Films of Roberto Rossellini. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991. 16-17. Print.
  9. ^ ibid
  10. ^ ibid
  11. ^ ibid
  12. ^ ibid
  13. ^ ibid